Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Don't Mess With My Coffee!

For the record there are 2 things you dont mess with where I am concerned, one is my coffee and the other is that few minutes of pre human state waiting for the caffiene to kick in first thing in the morning,

So Jerry decided all on his own while I left him unsupervised yesterday , to pick up coffee from the store, gasp and horror he bought the cheaper can , well Im sorry I do not like the cheaper coffee, to you coffee may be just coffee but to me its one of the most important tastes in the world , even rating above wine!

I have always bought the better quality coffee ever since I started drinking it what seems like hundreds of years ago, why should I make do with a cheaper coffee? just because its cheaper? but it doesnt taste as nice! and no dear I will not get used to it! why should I have to?

I gave up cigarettes, I dieted, bacon got put on the restricted list..YOU WILL NOT DENY ME THE ONE THING I HAVE LEFT THAT ISNT HIGH IN CALORIES!!

Just because he isnt fussy about what coffee he drinks, he thinks I will feel the same way, umm no, I can even tell if its decaf coffee without you telling me so yeah Im gonna notice that this brand stinks lol.

When I used to smoke, my rule in the mornings was dont talk to me til Ive had 3 cigarettes and at least 3 cups of coffee,so now I dont smoke, it had better be damn good coffee so I dont think about that cigarette.

Thanks goodnes for Mel at work, she went out on her break and got me a decent cup of coffee to keep me going til I can get to the store and get a decent coffee,

::rolls eyes::




  1. Well of course I went and got you a decent cup of coffee....I know exactly how you feel and besides that I HAD to get coffee for you anyways cuz I'm your Bitch, Bitch!!!! <3

    1. of course you are my bitch but I love you anyways LOL

  2. Jarrie is going strate to aych eee double hockey sticks for that one i am sure of it and if he doesn't I would tread very carefully when it comes to coffee cuz I know a couple bitches or more who could help him get there!!!!!
